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This Can't Be!

Barely three days have passed since I posted "Lies, health, hunger and biofuels," hoping that this sore subject would go away for several days.  Today I opened the Business Section of NYT, rubbed my eyes, and cried: "This cannot be!"

I just read that madmen inside a federal government agency are trying to usher a new era of self-decomposing food supply in the U.S.  Can you imagine?  Your cereal, bread, corn flakes, anything, will be self-digesting and liquefying on your table if you wait a little, regardless of how well you keep it?   These madmen are attempting to introduce the U.S. public to a practical lesson in enzymatic chemistry:  just 1 genetically modified corn grain with the alpha-amylase enzyme in it per 10,000 other grains will make corn flour and its products go soft and unappetizing.  That's 1/100 of 1%! One could hardly think up a better allegory for the intellectual rot and moral decay blowing from Washington.

What happens when these self-rotting plants start cross-breeding with normal corn?  Corn pollen can travel for miles and cross-pollinate other corn plants.  And this madness is unleashed on all of us to make it easier to produce something that would never exist if we were not paying for it with our hard-earned tax dollars to begin with.  This something is large-scale production of ethanol from corn.

I am speechless.  I hope that we will finally start to demonstrate our feelings and never, ever elect anyone, who panders to an Iowa caucus.  I mean anyone!

Here is the reaction of Richard Brenneman.

Here is a comment by Professor Ignacio Chapela.


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