Tonight, I switched from al Jazeera International to BBC World Service. It took about twenty minutes before I quit with disgust and switched back. Here's what I saw. Somewhere at the World Economic Forum in Davos, there was a stage lined with eight armchairs ready for a live BBC program. Seated on the stage were Christine Lagarde, the current IMF director, a pretty African woman, likely representing the developing world, and several very important looking white men. I started watching the BBC Davos report when Ms. Lagarde made her points: IMF is now anything but business as usual. Three IMF economists did a lot of analytic work and arrived at the following conclusions: (1) Extreme income inequality is bad for economic growth , (2) income redistribution is good for growth , and (3) jobs for the masses keep people engaged and are good for sustainable growth . She told us that these points were met with great disbelief and scorn by her IMF colleagues, who told her: "
In this blog, I continue to write about the environment, ecology, energy, complexity, and humans. Of particular interest to me are human self-delusions and mad stampedes to nowhere.