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Showing posts from October 7, 2012

Education Reform and All That Noise

This blog follows two closely related posts that are 15 months old: Why Good Engineering Education and Research Are Inseparable? Part I - Teaching    Why Good Engineering Education and Research Are Inseparable? Part II - Research and Technology   Now that I am a little more knowledgeable on the subject of secondary and higher education, a few more remarks are in order. First, Church and Academia (read Universities) are the only two institutions that span over 2000 years of history of our Roman and Catholic civilization.  As I focus on education, I will leave Church alone.  I will also omit the epochal contributions of the early Arab Caliphate universities and Indian schools.  Both contributed invaluably to the rise of Academia in Europe. In particular, Arab schools preserved most of what we know today about ancient Greek philosophy, mathematics and medicine, and greatly added to this knowledge. Empires, states, emperors, kings, princes, presidents, and governors came and disap